Tour with Lisa: Orvieto private secrets

Enjoy this unique experience in a phenomenal location!


Today you will tour Orvieto, its 7 kms underground tunnels, majestic golden lily cathedral AND try biscuits and wine in one of the caves!

 Meeting with Lisa (your tour escort) in Orvieto city center: it’s incredible how much a city can be a perfect fusion among Florence, Rome and Siena! Breathe the vibrant atmosphere of the bourgeoisie and then move to a private, exclusive Etruscan cave in the city center.  Here Alessandra will take you through a real jump in the 6th century before Christ. Her patisserie laboratory is just over an Etruscan winery! Try with her the best Orvietan biscuits matched with Grechetto wine. Tour the past and enjoy the presence in your mouth of tannins, almonds, sourdough and organic flour.


 The tour includes: local expert guide; Orvieto guided tour; biscotti and wine tasting in an Etruscan cave; private visit of the cave

 Half day tour (around 3 hours)

TOTAL PRICE: € 170,00; tasting € 5,00 per person to be payed at the tasting


For more info on this or any other tour, please contact Lisa, your tour escort,

via email or by phone +39 328 171 0714

We restore magnificent Beauties so you can live Unique experiences in Italy.